Katie Spada

Residence: Las Vegas, NV
Sport: Synchronized Swimming
BS of Science in Human Nutrition and Dietetics: The Ohio State University
MS of Science in Sports Nutrition, Northeastern University
Licensed Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Website: www.spadastrongnutrition.com

​Katie is a registered dietitian and former athlete. She is the owner and founder of Spada Strong Nutrition LLC, a nutrition coaching business focused on helping athletes, former athletes, and active individuals fuel for training and for life. She holds a master’s degree in Nutrition from Northeastern University with a concentration in Sports and Fitness.

Katie competed as an elite level synchronized swimmer on the national team and collegiate level before retiring and pursuing her career as a dietitian. Katie founded Spada Strong Nutrition with the goal of helping individuals learn how to fuel their body’s properly, work through body image struggles, and develop a healthy relationship with food that supports their lifestyle. Katie believes every person deserves to feel good in their skin, fuel their body well, and enjoy the foods they eat, guilt-free!

Katie works with athletes with her POWER Program. This is nutrition coaching for former athletes who are struggling to transition their nutrition in life after sport. In this program, she personalizes her approach to nutrition while also improving body image so you can feel good about food and your body post-sport​.


Click on the "Book a Call with Jackie" button to connect with him and learn more about his program. "Before working with Katie I was extremely insecure. As a former competitive swimmer entering college with little to no knowledge on how to fuel my body in life after sport, I was extremely insecure on how to eat in a way that served my body.

My experience in the POWER Program was like no other. For so long, my thoughts had been consumed by food and how food would change the shape of my body. I was also extremely insecure about my body image and I had very low self- esteem. Throughout the program, I was able to have contact with Katie 24/7 via the Better Help app. This was extremely helpful because I was able to confront my feelings and share them with her immediately after I felt them. Our weekly sessions were also extremely beneficial because I could express my emotions around food and body image with a non-biased opinion. In these sessions, Katie would challenge my thoughts around various topics of food and diet culture where I was able to reshape my thinking so that food did not consume my brain. 

I would most definitely recommend doing the POWER Program. No matter what stage you are in life, knowing how to trust your body and the signs it gives you is a life skill that is extremely valuable. I recommend this program because every human deserves to know what their body needs and how to feel comfortable in their own skin. I have learned this throughout my time in the POWER Program, and I am a living proof that food freedom and a positive body image are achievable. All this takes however, is trust, an open mind, and Katie Spada."

Amelia Garrard, Former Collegiate Swimmer

Click on the button to connect with Katie and learn more about her program.