Our Professional
We offer many ways for professional coaches, former athletes, counsellors and educators to get involved with Athletes Soul and share their expertise with our athletes through coaching, mentoring, and certification.
Become an Athletes Soul Coach
Our coaches are all former athletes who are professionally trained in psychology and/or in coaching. We work with a number of independent coaches from various sports, training and backgrounds to be able to offer to our athletes someone they can relate to.
There are 3 levels of Athletes Soul coaches: Contributor, Coach, and Master Coach. Coaches usually start at the Contributor level and progress to the Coach level after a few months to a year. The main benefit of being an Athletes Soul’s coach is the access to our community of athletes and former athletes, our resources, and our marketing efforts.
You can apply to become an Athletes Soul coach at any time and there are no fees. However, we ask our coaches to contribute to the development and growth of the organization through engagement and promotions.
The minimum requirements for our coaches are: Bachelor's degree, life coaching certification or equivalent, your own registered business, and proof of general liability insurance.
Once selected (following application and interview), our coaches are trained in our values and method. Athletes Soul was founded to serve the best interests of the athletes and our programs support this principle. Our coaches, as ambassadors of Athletes Soul, provide independent perspective, guidance and accountability to our athletes.
• Access our community of athletes and former athletes
• Leverage our platform and visibility
• Can use the title “Athletes Soul contributor”
Annual requirements:
• Write 1-3 articles on topic of choice to share with our members
• Share 3 social media posts about Athletes Soul
• Regular engagement on Athletes Soul’s platform
• Access our community of athletes and former athletes
• Leverage our platform and visibility
• Can use the title “Athletes Soul Coach”
• Can lead our Monthly Huddle group coaching
• Can coach athletes and access our scholarship fund
Annual requirements:
• Write 3 articles on topic of choice to share with our members
• Share 5 social media posts about Athletes Soul
• Regular engagement on Athletes Soul’s platform
• Participate in one event (virtual or in-person) or lead one Monthly Huddle
Master Coach
• Access our community of athletes and former athletes
• Leverage our platform and visibility
• Can use the title “Athletes Soul Master Coach”
• Can lead our Monthly Huddle and Beyond Sport group coaching
• Can coach athletes and access our scholarship fund
• Can represent Athletes Soul and train other Athletes Soul coaches
Annual requirements:
• Write 3 articles on topic of choice to share with our members
• Share 5-7 social media posts about Athletes Soul
• Regular engagement on Athletes Soul’s platform
• Participate in one event (virtual or in-person) or lead one Monthly Huddle
• Volunteer time to support the organization
Not a coach? Become an Athletes Soul mentor
Our mentors are former athletes who have experienced the transition from sport themselves. They come from different sports and backgrounds and work with the athlete-mentee as a volunteer for 6 months, meeting once per month.
Interested in becoming a mentor?
To become a mentor, you need to have been retired from sport for 5 years or more. This gives you enough time to have perspective on your own journey and athletic retirement and to be able to confidently teach someone else your learnings.
We look at each individual story and vet our mentors during an interview. Once a mentor has been selected, we also provide training to educate you about Athletes Soul and how to lead an athlete through the mentoring program.